Why does Internet Freedom matter?¶
In today's digital era of rapid information flow, internet freedom has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. It not only affects how we access information but also influences how we communicate, work, and engage in community and advocacy activities. For those of us living in the Asian region, internet freedom is especially critical. Therefore, participating in projects like OONI and Tor, which focus on internet censorship and anonymous network infrastructure, is highly significant for protecting, improving, and enhancing internet freedom!
East Asia¶
In the East Asia region, the situation of internet censorship and restrictions varies. Many countries impose strict monitoring and restrictions on information transmission and social media. For example, China's "Great Firewall1" is a globally renowned internet filtering system that frequently restricts users' access to international websites such as Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, and various Google services. Additionally, the Chinese government conducts stringent censorship on domestic platforms' content, covering topics related to politics, religion, and social movements. In North Korea, the internet is almost entirely isolated from the outside world, with ordinary citizens only able to use the internal network "Kwangmyong2," where the content is strictly monitored by the state.
Southeast Asia¶
In Southeast Asia, the Vietnamese3 government requires international internet companies to cooperate in deleting content deemed critical of the government, aiming to limit political dissent. Indonesia4 often blocks websites containing politically sensitive, religiously sensitive, pornographic, and gambling content. In the past, Malaysia5 has blocked news websites and blogs, especially those covering government corruption. Additionally, the internet environment in the Philippines6 is heavily monitored, particularly during political elections when the government may intervene in the content of news media and social platforms. Thai7 law stipulates that any online expression of disrespect towards the monarchy can lead to criminal prosecution.
Myanmar8 experiences particularly severe internet censorship during times of political unrest. Since the 2021 coup9, the military government has repeatedly restricted or completely shut down the internet to prevent opposition forces from organizing and spreading information. Social media platforms like Facebook are frequently banned, as they are widely used by dissidents to organize protests. At the same time, news websites and independent media face severe crackdowns, with many journalists arrested or intimidated, thereby limiting press freedom.
OONI Internet Censorship Monitoring¶
These cases demonstrate that the internet environment in many Asian countries still faces numerous restrictions. In these nations, ordinary users often find it challenging to access comprehensive and objective information and must navigate government censorship and surveillance carefully. This is why projects like OONI have become so important. OONI's work involves monitoring internet censorship worldwide, including in the Asia-Pacific region. OONI not only provides detailed reports on internet censorship but also helps raise awareness about these events. Through the information gathered, users can better understand the internet conditions in their own countries, thereby enhancing their awareness of self-protection and resistance!
Tor Anonymous Privacy Network¶
At the same time, the Tor project provides a means to browse the internet more freely, anonymously, and securely. Tor is designed to protect personal privacy, allowing users to surf the web anonymously, which is particularly important for individuals living in regions with strict internet censorship. It not only enables access to blocked information but also shields users from surveillance.
The importance of participating in these projects lies in the fact that through our support and contributions, we can promote internet freedom. Whether by using their tools, participating in information sharing, open-source tool development, or promoting education, we can help others better understand and resist internet censorship!
In conclusion, internet freedom holds great significance for our lives! For many people in the Asian region, it affects their ability to access truth, express opinions, and make full use of digital resources. By supporting OONI and Tor, we are not only protecting ourselves but also working towards creating a more open and inclusive internet environment. This is something everyone can participate in and is a commitment to a future ideal digital living space.
Next Step¶
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